Luxo permanently triggers the backlight of your cell phone. This will be extremely helpful in the complete darkness after the next nuclear war!

- Luxo
- Triggers the backlight of you cell phone (must be allowed by your phone's preferences)
- You can change the color
- Temporarily disable the backlight (Luxo sleeps)
- Luxo is very simple and may serve as starting point if you intend to write your own Java applications for your phone
Luxo is written in Java, it is a J2ME MIDlet suite. Therefore, your cell phone must come along with the following features:
- JSR 30
- Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) 1.0
- JSR 118
- Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) 2.0
- Program memory consumed
- 5 kByte
To install the software on your cell phone, load the MobileLuxo.jar into the cell phone. If you have any questions concerning that topic, please refer to your cell phone's user manual.
The sources are arranged as a NetBeans project. However, to use the projcet in your environment, you probably will have to change some settings like the paths to your JDK or WTK.
If you intend to develop on your own, you may be interested in the following software: